Thursday, July 16, 2009

Journal: 17th July 2009

哈哈...夢? 人說夢是人處理情緒的一種方式。
談談自己的夢吧! 哈哈...是個美夢!!
夢到跟自己的 "丈夫" 去度蜜月...
咦?? 我的 "丈夫"??...
我的答案是 "當然"
要找一個合適自己的人需要自己向神祈求, 需要等待" !
我相信神自己會給我答案, 到底我是一個人這樣過一生,
今天在 "靈命日糧" 裏讀到這句話:
" 我在急難中求告耶和華"
最近, 不知為甚麼心情一直不能平靜下來。
神哪! 我求告你, 讓我知道自己到底為了何事在煩惱著!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Night Class

What a busy April, my schedule totally full.

End of March I decided to take a course in Sabah Theological School. It is "Children Counselling" that I haven't learned before and I quite nervous about the course that I decided to take. This course will be take 8 days to finish it.
Until now, I already attend 4 days class. I felt this course very interesting. Everyday you learn a lot, especially how to communicate with children. Everytime I attend psychology class (especially counselling course), I just like took a self-treatment. So, at night I can't sleep well because the unfinished business.
Attending class is very exciting things to do but I really appreciate those people who are taking me to the STS everyday. Thank you pastor who pick me there from office, thank you Cecelia's dinner before I go to school, thank you Daniel that take me back everyday. I am very touching.
Thank God for everything He given unto me...Without Him, yesterday I still can't sleep well.